
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Wow that's cool -- ST Awareness in Profiles Person Card!!!

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For the past couple of months I have been working at an all-Lotus POC (proof of concept) which includes Portal, Quickr, Sametime, Notes 8, and Lotus Connections for a multi-national insurance firm. One of the things that they've wanted to see is Sametime presence awareness in the Lotus Connections Profiles pop-up business card (aka. person tag). In fact, many customers have asked me about it!

I had heard from development that they were working on adding that for Lotus Connections R2 and had seen some screenshots. Today, I'm happy to announce that it's working in the TAP environment!!!

(picture updated on 6/6/2008)
You must know, however, that this only works if:
  1. You have the Sametime v7.5.1 (and above) client installed on your computer, and
  2. You are signed on to the Sametime server, and
  3. You install the WebLinks plugin

I'm sure by now you are using a feed reader and subscribing to my Dogears. Therefore, you already have a link with instructions on how to get this working on your computer. Enjoy and happy demoing!!!!!