Last week I saw a very cool blog entry internally. It was from a colleague in the UK who had no development experience, yet wanted to create a mashup between data stored in a spreadsheet and Lotus Connections. The use case is where someone has a list of employees in a spreadsheet and would like to see an employee's Report-To Management Chain when that employee's row is selected. The Report-To Chain is easily available via the Lotus Connections APIs.
What caught my eye was how easy she made it sound (especially for someone who is "no developer"). I encouraged my colleague to share her success story in the Lotus Connections Wiki so others could benefit. Early in the morning yesterday, she went ahead and published the wiki article which you can find here.
Honestly, I haven't had a chance to play with Lotus Mashups. I took this as an opportunity to learn more about Mashups and confirm how easy it would be to create such a mashup. Based on my experience, I took the liberty to make a few edits and add some screenshots to the wiki article (which I've also included here):
The article now contains step-by-step instructions on how to link up a spreadsheet to Lotus Connections' Report-To API. Hope you get some value out of it!