On Thursday, one of my favorite Lotus Connections developers, Ronny Pena, released the new IBM Lotus Connections widget interface to LinkedIn. The widget, which has been available in MyDeveloperWorks for some time, allows users to enhance their Lotus Connections Profile with information from LinkedIn. To the right, you can see a screenshot of how the widget looks inside my profile in MyDeveloperWorks.
Now along with their Lotus Connections Profile contact information, report to chain, and details provided in the About Me section, Profiles can be used to share and discover data from the LinkedIn network such as education, honors and awards, and work experiences. The widget can be easily added to your Lotus Connections Profile and gives each user control about how much they would like to share from LinkedIn.
Lotus Widget Catalog that was announced at Lotusphere last month. The direct link for the widget is here.
Here's what the widget can do:
- The iWidget allows you to view another user's current work experience, education, number of recommendations, as well as a link to the user's LinkedIn profile in the LinkedIn Web site.
The iWidget fetches LinkedIn profile data using the LinkedIn authentication protocol.
Users are prompted to authenticate with LinkedIn if they are first time users of the widget.
Users can specify what LinkedIn profile data they want to surface in their Lotus Connections Profile via the edit dialog of the iWidget.
Links to a user's LinkedIn profile into the Lotus Connections profile of that user.
Supports 24 languages and bi-direction