
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

SlideShare Launches Company Networks and IBM is first!

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SlideShare announced a couple of hours ago that they have launched what they call Company Networks. Reading through SlideShare's announcement, this caught my eye:

A few months ago, I met Adam Christensen of IBM Social Media and found out that there were even more IBMers on SlideShare than I had realized. Some of the most popular presentations were from IBMers

To be honest, I didn't know so many IBMers used SlideShare either. And of course, I didn't know that the most popular presentations where from IBM either! Pretty cool, huh? The challenge, of course, was figuring out a way to aggregate all this great content into a single channel.

IBM and SlideShare worked together to create a Company Network where all members of a company would share the same look-n-feel (branding), content could be curated through a single place, and the employees still get their own individual place where they can upload their content. If the company likes, it can feature it in their homepage. You can see IBM's channel here: or in this screenshot from TechCrunch.

(can you spot someone in the screenshot? :) )

From IBM's perspective, Adam led the way and he shares his thoughts as to the value of this program for IBM. Most notably:

For IBM, the value is clear. We are a knowledge-based B2B company that differentiates itself through the expertise of its employees. This program allows us to turn the most common activity of our thought leaders – creating and delivering presentations – into social objects with reach across the Web.

Now it's time for me to update some of my content in SlideShare and upload some of my presentations and documents. Is there anything specifically you would like to see?

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