The other day I was working with a customer who had upgraded from 2.5 to 3.0. They asked me how to get the images for the timezones back up. At first, I wasn't sure what they were referring to, so I went over to BleedYellow and checked my profile there. Towards the right hand side of the screen you can see my local time and a graphic depicting my timezone as shown here:
So I got on a 2.5 server and figured out how those images were generated and then made the appropriate changes in the 3.0 server. Here's what I ended up doing (in case anyone else wants to do the same thing):
- Download the images from here
- Extract the images to this folder: C:\IBM\LotusConnections\data\shared\customization\profiles\images (note that this path may be different depending on where you are storing your Connections customizations)
- You should now have a folder C:\IBM\LotusConnections\data\shared\customization\profiles\images\globes with a bunch of jpg's in it.
- Copy the file businessCardInfo.jsp from C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\installedApps\showcase2Cell01\Profiles.ear\\WEB-INF\jsps\html\scenes\profile to C:\IBM\LotusConnections\data\shared\customization\profiles\WEB-INF\jsps\html\scenes\profile
- Open the file with your favorite text editor
- Search for the text: <div id="businessCardActions"
- Just before that text, paste the following:
<div class="lotusRight">
<html:img action="/timezoneImage" paramId="tzId" paramName="timezoneId" alt="${timezoneDisplayName}" title="${timezoneDisplayValue}" width="66" height="71" />
<br />
<strong><span style="white-space: nowrap;"><fmt:message key="label.profile.localtime" /></span></strong>
<span id="time" style="white-space: nowrap;"><fmt:formatDate timeStyle="SHORT" type="time" timeZone="${timezoneId}" value="${nowTz}" /></span>
- Save the file
After, refreshing you should now see this: