- Make sure you are subscribed to the Synch.rono.us blog -- our developers are actively looking for your feedback there. Your feedback to those posts will help us plan the next release(s) of the product. And the more we hear from you, the more the community benefits. In particular, we want your feedback on these key topics:
- What else should we integrate to? How should we expand on Social Everywhere?
- What's your list of top 5 features to add to Connections?
- Register for the Social Business Jam which is going to take place Feb 8-11 and participate!
- Set your TiVo to record Jeopardy! on Valentine's Day
- Please take a few minutes to complete 3 Lotus Connections tasks on Lotusphere Online 2011 and provide us with input for future improvements to the website. To participate, please go here and remember to authenticate with your Lotusphere Online credentials.
- Help my fellow Notes product managers. If you are a Notes customer, please take this survey to help us determine which features to include in the next release (shouldn't take more than 10 minutes)

So that's it! Five items that you need to do as homework. Your due date? This Friday!