
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Gamification for IBM Connections: Some Updates


Currently, there are a couple of gamification solutions for IBM Connections that I've talked about in the past: Kudos and Bunchball. A couple of weeks ago, Badgeville announced a connector to layer Badgeville's game mechanics into IBM Connections as shown in this screenshot to the right. For this integration, Badgeville wanted to focus on rewarding behaviors that supported key business processes that companies are looking to make more collaborative with their Connections’ investments — not just onboarding or learning the software itself.

Yesterday, ISW, the first vendor to offer a gamification solution on top of IBM Connections, announced the latest release of their software: Kudos v1.4 . In this latest release, Kudos adds Kudos Thanks which allows you to publicly thank colleagues and show that recognition directly in their profile. Here's how they put it:

There is nothing quite as simple as saying "Thank You" to provide some recognition of great work. Think about it for a moment...when somebody thanks you for your great idea, or for putting in that extra work to meet a deadline, or maybe for just being a good team mate, it makes you feel great and more motivated to stay engaged.

Check out a sample screenshot below:

And ISW has even put together a video

These partners have been doing some great work on top of IBM Connections which clearly shows how extensible and powerful is the platform. If you are interested in gamification for IBM Connections, definitely check out these solutions.