As you may know, I'm currently the Product Manager for Files within IBM Connections, IBM's social collaboration platform. With the help of the the IBM Docs design team, we are working on improving the Connections file editing experience and would like to extend a special feedback opportunity to those interested.
The team is seeking to gain a thorough understanding of features involved in editing files on Connections (or other products). For example, do you find the ability to insert an image to be a basic, intermediate or advanced feature? How often do you use that specific feature and is it useful on your phone and/or tablet?
Just like the upcoming May 21st event to introduce IBM Connections Next, please share this with everyone you know: your customers, your partners, your own end users, family, friends, etc.
General File Editing (A): Estimated time: 10 mins.
General File Editing (B): Estimated time: 15 mins.
Document Editing: Estimated time: 5 mins.
Spreadsheet Editing: Estimated time: 15 mins.
Presentation Editing: Estimated time: 15 mins.