
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

IDC MarketScapes Name IBM a Worldwide and European Leader for Enterprise Social Networks

In late 2014, IDC released its IDC MarketScape Worldwide MarketScape Enterprise Social Network 2014 Vendor Assessment and their 2IDC MarketScape: European Enterprise Social Networks in 2014. IBM Connections was positioned as a leader in both reports.

Also in 2014, IBM was also named as the market share leader in the IDC Worldwide Enterprise Social Networks 2014-2018 Forecast and 2013 Vendor Shares report.  I'm extremely excited to see how IBM was positioned.

Also evaluated in the IDC MarketScape: European Enterprise Social Networks in 2014 is HYPE Innovation who IDC positioned as a Major Player.

You might recognize HYPE as an IBM Business Partner (Suzanne blogged about them last year) and their offering complements the IBM Connections solution. You can check out the demo here:

HYPE will also be at IBM ConnectED next week so make sure you go to their session and check out their announcement of their new integration with IBM Connections Social Cloud.

Monday, January 12, 2015

IBM ConnectED 2015 - Two Weeks To Go and Where To Find Me

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We are now two weeks away to start IBM ConnectED 2015. Last week, I returned from vacation and travelled to Boston to work on the keynote demo.  Things are looking very cool and can't wait to show it to everyone.

I'm also starting to work on my calendar for the week.  I know that many attend the conference to get a chance to speak to the development, design and product management teams of your favorite product (such as IBM Connections).

To make it easy, I've created this table with dates, times and locations where one of the IBM Connections Product Managers will be presenting. Mark your calendars!

If you want to connect with me, my sessions are ID103, AD102 and CHALK105.  Like the previous two years, this year I'll have the opportunity to present the roadmap for IBM Connections. So if you want to know what's coming in the future for IBM Connections, you can't miss ID103.  It repeats twice on Monday so you have two chances to see the content!

If you want to set up time with me ahead of time, contact me !

Additionally, if you were in the US and happened to be watching one of the football playoff games, you may have seen the new IBM Verse ad which you can play here.  If not, check it out here:

See you in two weeks! I'm looking forward to connect with the community.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Employee Recognition Comes to the IBM Connections Cloud via KangoGift

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KangoGift continues to expand their integration options with IBM Connections, this time, bringing their employee recognition module to the IBM Connections Cloud. Once enabled organizations could allow their employees to recognize each other and perhaps include a recognition certificate (maybe a $25 gift card for Amazon).  This is one way to encourage the use and adoption of IBM Connections.

Some key capabilities provided in this release are:
  • Analytics highlight employee performance
  • Increase engagement with a fun way to give praise via recognition certificates
  • Support peer or manager programs
  • Manager reports summarize contributions
  • Tie recognition with other HR initiatives
  • View and give recognition from profiles
  • Share recognition via activity streams including mobile
  • Ensure budget compliance
  • Enable users to give spot awards according to business rules
Check out the quick 30 second video for an overview below:

To learn more, check out the IBM Connections Cloud on KangoGift.