
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

From IBM ConnectED 2015 - What's New in IBM Connections

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Yesterday I posted a recap of the IBM ConnectED 2015 OGS.  Today, I wanted to focus on the What's New in IBM Connections session that I presented at after the keynote.  The intent of the session was to recap our deliveries in 2014 (which were a lot!) and then give you a glimpse at what's coming next.

There were two things that I called out to the audience.  First, for those of you who are running IBM Connections on-premises, you should definitely be looking at what we are doing in the cloud.  We are going to continue our cloud first model where every several weeks there will be new features showing up in the cloud.  Then at some point in 2015, we'll take what's in the cloud and ship it to our on-premises customers.

Second, the product management and development teams continue to monitor the ideas and feature requests that YOU are giving us.  In fact, everything that's coming in 2015 and everything that we showed in the session comes directly from the ideas submitted by our users.  If you would like to see the ideas that others are submitting and vote on them, or better yet, submit your very own feature request, go here.

For those of you who couldn't make it to IBM ConnectED 2015, I've posted a copy of the deck online here:

Here's a recap of the tweets during the session.  The session repeated twice on Monday (and yes, my brain was about to explode!) so you may see tweets out of order here.

Pretty cool, right?  Not using IBM Connections?  Start a free trial today at .
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