
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Next Week: Join Me at the IBM Connections Files and Communities Webcast

Next week, I'll be participating in a webcast to talk about all the new capabilities that we've added to IBM Connections Files and Communities. The webcast was put together by the team over at

David Brooks, the lead architect for the IBM Connections platform, will be joining me just like he did at IBM ConnectED earlier this year. Our goal is to give you an update of all the cool things that are now part of the product.

As a reminder, back in March, we introduced IBM Connections Files on Cloud, an easily accessible file sharing and sync offering.  We'll talk about this new offering and recent upgrades to Connections Communities that allow seamless team communication and collaboration beyond traditional boundaries.

Join this webcast to find out how these new capabilities allow users to:
  • Stay in sync across mobile devices (including both Android and iOS devices) using different personal settings
  • Leverage the new file sync and native mobile app capabilities to work anywhere and access content anytime
  • Securely collaborate with customers and business partners 
  • Improve productivity with content that is provided in context 
  • Stay connected with colleagues using profiles that provide business cards to their contacts
To register for the webcast, click here. See you next week! If you missed it, here's the recording.
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