
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Time To Get Ready for IBM Insight 2015

October is here so that means that IBM Insight 2015 is just around the corner (oh and lots of candy in Halloween)!

At the end of the month, I'll be heading over to Las Vegas for the annual IBM Insight conference. As usual, we'll be participating in various sessions.  At this year's conference, Jason Silva, host of National Geographic's Brain Games (you are watching that show on Netflix, right?), will lead a conversation about the potential to extend collaboration with technologies like cognitive computing, increasing our potential as individuals and changing the way we work together. Rob Koplowitz from IBM will continue to the conversation to discuss how IBM is applying the power of Watson and other technologies to make teams and people more productive, and better connected to the insights, content and files they need to succeed at work.

The team has put together this handy guide so you can easily see sessions where the social business team will be participating. I'll be covering the latest in our mobile portfolio, application development and IBM Connections.

If you haven't yet, make sure you register and see you there!
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