
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Check Out the Latest IBM Docs 2.0 Demo

Happy New Year!

Now that we are back in business in the new year I wanted to take the time to share a bit more on IBM Docs 2.0 beyond the announcement last year. In a very short time, I've already started to hear very good positive feedback on the release which is great !

One of the things that I wanted to share is the latest demo video that we posted over the holidays. The video covers all the basics and you can see how simple it is to take advantage of this capability to create files together with your team members anytime, anywhere!

Check out the 3 minute video below:

As we get ready for IBM Connect 2016 (you are going, right?) you'll also want to reserve time to learn more about IBM Docs. Check out the IBM Connect 2016 Session Preview Tool and add the IBM Docs sessions to your agenda.

To learn more, check out the post from Jim Puckett, our IBM Docs Product Manager . See you at IBM Connect!